nick | flash | 2012-01-05
在线弹幕播放器 ABPlayer
ABPlayer是一个基于Flex 3架构的在线弹幕播放器。它允许用户在观看视频的同时在某一播放位置发送评论,评论则会在第二次播放到此位置时滚动划过屏幕。这个模式允许用户能很便捷的对视频分享评论和实时吐槽。
ABPlayer的很多运作区别于PADPlayer和MukioPlayer,它是目前唯一支持高级定位弹幕的运行于Flex 3.2 SDK的弹幕播放器。ABPlayer全方位支持颜色... [阅读全文]
DocViewer 在线文档阅读
DocViewer 是类似百度文库、豆顶书屋的在线文档阅读程序。基于JAVA语言,跨平台的文档在线阅读器。
Windos7 Windows2003 Windos Xp ubuntu11.04 测试通过。linux下请安装相关字体。
程序需要openoffice(或LibreOffice 推荐LibreOffice)、 swftools支持。请根据需要下载不同平台安装包。
该项目已经有成功实... [阅读全文]
Flash Player 11 都有哪些新功能?
Flash Player 所拥有的全部功能可以在这里查看:http://www.adobe.com/cn/products/flashplayer/features.html 。同时在这个页面也可以查看到每个新版本所新增的功能。以下是 Flash Player 11 所拥有的新功能:
Stage 3D 加速图形渲染
探索 Adobe 高性能 2D/3D GPU 硬件加速图形渲染的新架构,为应用程序高级渲染提供了低级 Stage3D API,带来互动体... [阅读全文]
Targeting Flash Player 11 & AIR 3 Release Candidates in Flash Professional CS5.5
This post was written before Adobe made the announcement that the Flash Player 11 and AIR 3.0 runtime will be available next month.Although all of my projects are coded in FDT4 I still use Flash Professional on a regular basis that because a great part of those projects have complex timeline animations usually made by the ... [阅读全文]
Flash Formula Editor
授权协议: GPLv3
开发语言: ActionScript
操作系统: 跨平台
收录时间: 2011年09月12日
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Flash Console 2.52
I have tested a new console for Flash called Flash-console v2.52 (created by Lu Aye Oo). This is by far the best console/monitor tool I’ve tried. With a few lines, you are up and running and have control over the FPS, memory, trace, channels, and more. You can open the command prompt, and modify instances at runtime. In t... [阅读全文]
FFmpeg – the swiss army knife of Internet Streaming – part IV
This is the fourth and last part of a short series dedicated to FFmpeg (First, Second and Third part).
In this conclusive article I will focus on the support for RTMP that makes FFmpeg an excellent tool for enhancing the capabilities of the Adobe Flash Streaming Ecosystem.
FFmpeg introduced a strong support for RTMP streami... [阅读全文]
nick | flash | 2011-08-26
本文将陆续更新,请以 http://www.zhugao.cn/info/news_study_show.asp?id=503 为准,同时也避免网友转载时可能出现的遗漏。诚邀感兴趣的朋友一起讨论,以修正文中不足。限于篇幅,本文对破解及加密工具的使用方法不作详述,只对相关技巧进行说明。所涉及的工具大部分可以在我的网站中找到。
写此文,也了却了五个月前与 HBrO 约下的总结一篇加解... [阅读全文]
查看浏览器中flash swf的trace调试输出
nick | flash | 2011-08-26
view flash trace output from browser
这个问题网上已经说得够多, 不过老问题换了新环境, 又有新问题.
在某些情况下, 你必须让swf在浏览器中运行, 同时还想查看用 trace 函数的调试输出.
在网上搜索一下: 你很快就知道两个文件: mm.cfg, flashlog.txt. 以windows 7为例:
C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flas... [阅读全文]