Tag: border

Border Image Generator Tool; Using local file APIs

nick | html, html5, js | 2010-06-06
Kevin Decker has upgraded his border-image generator tool. The major update is the ability to not have to host an image, but also use local ones. The tool itself is useful, but the post is very interesting as we get to listen in to the implementation process of Kevin as he got the feature working on bleeding edge browser... [阅读全文]


nick | css, 学习 | 2010-05-01
今天网上看到了一个让IE实现CSS3中的border-radius(圆角): .box-radius { border-radius: 15px; behavior: url(border-radius.htc); } 演示地址:http://uini.net/resource/demo/border-radius.htm 下载htc文件(源码来自):http://uini.net/resource/demo/border-radius.htm 注意:htc文件是要放在服务器上,放在本地测试是不行的! [阅读全文]