Tag: console

Java 控制台中文问题(windows平台)

nick | java, windows | 2012-02-01
Java 控制台中文问题(windows平台)
测试代码 import java.io.Console; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.nio.charset.Charset; public class JsTest { @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private static void outputCharset(){ Constructor[] ctors = Console.class.getDeclaredConstructors();... [阅读全文]

Flash Console 2.52

nick | as, flash | 2011-08-31
Flash Console 2.52
I have tested a new console for Flash called Flash-console v2.52 (created by Lu Aye Oo). This is by far the best console/monitor tool I’ve tried. With a few lines, you are up and running and have control over the FPS, memory, trace, channels, and more. You can open the command prompt, and modify instances at runtime. In t... [阅读全文]
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