Tag: ie9

并非SleepMode之错——IE9对Flash Player的影响

nick | as, flash, flex | 2011-07-11
转载自zrong’s Blog,原文 并非SleepMode之错——IE9对Flash Player的影响,欢迎使用文章源码进行转载。 本站转载文章会标明[转],转载请注明原始作者文章地址。 本文源码 Flash Player从版本10.1开始加入了Sleep Mode(睡眠模式),具体表现为在浏览器中的Flash Player窗口不可见(最小化、被完全遮挡,或被滚动条带到不能显示的地方)时,自动将... [阅读全文]

IE9正式版 —— 尽享网络之美(体验+开发)

nick | web | 2011-06-15
IE9正式版 —— 尽享网络之美(体验+开发)
IE9 RC(版本号:9.0.8080.16413)终于可以下载到了。(http://www.xiaogezi.cn/?from=hi) 几大特性: 1.地理位置的支持——Geolocation Standard 2.简洁的界面,以网页为中心——Cleanest UI 3.性能,使用GPU加速技术—— Performance 4.F12 Developer Tools——开发工具的增强,如格式化JS(JavaScript Formatting) 5.画布颜色合成——Canvas globalCompositeOper... [阅读全文]

New IE9 Preview: Performance, Hardware Acceleration, and Acid3

nick | 互联网, 学习 | 2010-05-05
New IE9 Preview: Performance, Hardware Acceleration, and Acid3
At MIX, Microsoft showed that they are back in the browser game with a preview of IE9 “platform” (platform seems to mean ‘haven’t got it together as a real browser yet, but we wanted to get it to you guys ASAP’). Today, they updated the preview as they said they would (claiming they will do new releases every 8 weeks or so). ... [阅读全文]

在IETester上安装IE9 preview

nick | 互联网, 学习 | 2010-05-01
在IETester上安装IE9 preview
IE9 preview发布后使用起来非常不方便!连个地址栏都没有!前几天更新IETester的时侯突然发现IETester上能安装IE9 preview,操作起来也非常方便。 安装IETester version 0.4.3版本; 安装IE9 preview;(win7用户) 打开IETester(C:\Program Files\Core Services\IETester\ie9)和IE9 preview(C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer Platform Preview\... [阅读全文]