Tag: image
image-r3 基于内容的图片搜索引擎
随着互联网技术向宽带、高速、多媒体方向的发展,人类正快速进入一个信息化的时代。各种信息工具、技术、载体等应运而生。在众多 类型的信息资源中,图像具有直观、形象、易于理解和信息量大等特点,成为资源库的重要组成部分。同网络信息一样,由于图像数量巨大,种类繁多,加之排列方 式错综复杂,这给图像检索带来了困难。近年来,基于内容的图像检... [阅读全文]
Border Image Generator Tool; Using local file APIs
Kevin Decker has upgraded his border-image generator tool. The major update is the ability to not have to host an image, but also use local ones. The tool itself is useful, but the post is very interesting as we get to listen in to the implementation process of Kevin as he got the feature working on bleeding edge browser... [阅读全文]