Tag: Speech

Fast JavaScript and Audio: Speech Synthesis in Your Browser

nick | js | 2010-07-14
If you haven’t been keeping track of David Humphrey’s work to bring audio manipulation to Firefox, you’re missing out. He’s made an update post with a huge number of demos, requiring some of the most recent advances in JavaScript found in Firefox – binary arrays, super-fast tracing-based FFT analysis, etc. This was my ... [阅读全文]
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Speech Recognition with Javascript; speechapi.com

nick | js, web, 学习 | 2010-05-17
Speech Recognition with Javascript; speechapi.com
Elias Majic and Spencer Lord have guest authored this post on speech recognition in JavaScript. Do you have something to share? Consider your own guest post and contact us! Recently Google’s free text to speech api has made the rounds. The reverse is also possible, converting speech to text. With speechapi.com’s j... [阅读全文]