FFmpeg – the swiss army knife of Internet Streaming – part IV

作者: nick 分类: flash, Red5 发布时间: 2011-08-31 00:13 ė 6没有评论

This is the fourth and last part of a short series dedicated to FFmpeg (First, Second and Third part).

In this conclusive article I will focus on the support for RTMP that makes FFmpeg an excellent tool for enhancing the capabilities of the Adobe Flash Streaming Ecosystem.

FFmpeg introduced a strong support for RTMP streaming with the release 0.5 by the inclusion of the librtmp (rtmpdump) core. An RTMP stream can be used both as an input and/or as an output in a command line.

The required syntax is:

rtmp_proto://server[:port][/application][/stream] options

where rtmp_proto can be: “rtmp“, “rtmpt“, “rtmpte“, “rtmps“, “rtmpte“, “rtmpts” and options contain a list of space-separated options in the form key=val (more info here).

Using some of the parameters that we have seen in the first three parts of the series, it’s possible to do a lot of things that the standard Flash Streaming Ecosystem cannot offer. Sometimes there are minor bugs but generally speaking the rtmplib works well and helps FMS to fill the gap with some advanced feature of Wowza Server (like re-purposing of rtp/rtsp stream, TS-stream and so on). FFmpeg works with FMS as well as Wowza Server and RED5, so in the article I will use FMS as a generic term to mean any “RTMP-server”.


With the help of FFmpeg it is possible for example to stream a pre-encoded file to FMS as if it were a live source. This can be very useful for test purpose but also to create pseudo-live channels.

ffmpeg -re -i localFile.mp4 -acodec copy -vcodec copy -f flv rtmp://server/live/streamName

The -re option tells FFmpeg to read the input file in realtime and not in the standard as-fast-as-possible manner. With -acodec copy and -vcodec copy I’m telling FFmpeg to copy the essences of the input file without transcoding, then to package them in an FLV container (-f flv) and send the final bitstream to an rtmp destination (rtmp://server/live/streamName).

The input file must have audio and video codec compatible with FMS, for example H.264 for video and AAC for audio but any supported codecs combination should work.
Obviously it would be also possible to encode on the fly the input video. In this case remember that the CPU power requested for a live encoding can be high and cause loss in frame rate or stuttering playback on subscribers’ side.

In which scenario can be useful a command like that ?

For example, suppose to have created a communication or conference tool in AIR. One of the partecipants at the conference could fetch a local file and stream it to the conference FMS to show, in realtime, the same file to other partecipants. Leveraging the “native process” feature of AIR it is simple to launch a command line like the one above and do the job. In this scenario, probably you will have to transcode the input, or check for the compatibility of codecs analyzing the input up front (remember ffmpeg -i INPUT trick we spoke about in the second article).


Using a command like this:

ffmpeg -i rtmp://server/live/streamName -acodec copy -vcodec copy dump.flv

It’s possible to dump locally the content of a remote RTMP stream. This can be useful for test/audit/validation purpose. It works for both live and on-demand content.


One of the more interesting scenario is when you want to convert a format to a different one for compatibility sake or to change the characteristics of the original stream.

Let’s suppose to have a Flash Player based app that do a live broadcast. You know that until FP11, Flash can only encode using the old Sorenson spark for video and NellyMoser ASAO or Speex for audio. You may use a live transcoding command to enhance the compression of the video transcoding from Sorenson to H.264:

ffmpeg -i rtmp://server/live/originalStream -acodec copy -vcodec libx264 -vpre slow -f flv rtmp://server/live/h264Stream

This could be useful to reduce bandwidth usage especially in live broadcasting where latency it’s not a problem.
The next release of FMS will also offer support for the Apple HTTP Live Streaming (like Wowza already do). So it will be possible to use FMS to stream live to iOS device. But FMS does not transcode the stream essence, it performs only a repackaging or repurposing of the original essences. But FFmpeg can help us to convert the uncompliant Sorenson-Speex stream to a H.264-AAC stream in this way:

ffmpeg -i rtmp://server/live/originalStream -acodec libfaac -ar 44100 -ab 48k -vcodec libx264 -vpre slow -vpre baseline -f flv rtmp://server/live/h264Stream

See also the point 4 and 5 to know how to generate a multibitrate stream to be compliant with Apple requirements for HLS. This approach will be useful also with FP11 that encode in H.264, but generate only one stream.

Another common scenario is when you are using FMLE to make a live broadcast. The standard windows version of FMLE supports only MP3 and not AAC for audio encoding (plug-in required). This may be a problem when you want to use your stream also to reach iOS devices with FMS or Wowza (iOS requires AAC for HLS streams). Again FFmpeg can help us:

ffmpeg -i rtmp://server/live/originalStream -acodec libfaac -ar 44100 -ab 48k -vcodec copy -f flv rtmp://server/live/h264_AAC_Stream

On the other hand, I have had the opposite problem recently with an AIR 2.7 apps for iOS. AIR for iOS does not support by now H.264 or AAC streaming with the classical netStream object, but I needed to subscribe AAC streams generated for the desktops. FFmpeg helped me in transcoding AAC streams to MP3 for the AIR on iOS app.

Again, you probably know that Apple HLS requires an audio only AAC stream with a bitrate less than 64Kbit/s for the compliance of video streaming apps, but at the same time you probably want to offer an higher audio quality for your live streaming (on desktop fpo istance). Unfortunately FMLE encode at multiple bitrates only the video track while use a unique audio preset for all bitrates. With FFmpeg is possible to generate a dedicated audio only stream in AAC with bitrate less than 64Kbit/s.


Very similarly, if you want to be compliant with older iOS versions or other mobile devices (older BB for istance) you need to encode in Baseline profile, but at the same time you may want to leverage high profile for desktop HDS. So you could use FMLE to generate high profile streams, with high quality AAC and then generate server side a baseline set of multi-bitrate streams for HLS and/or low end devices compatibility.

This command read from FMS the highest quality of a multi bitrate set generated by FMLE and starting from that generate 3 scaled down versions in baseline profile for HLS or Mobile. The last stream is an audio only AAC bitstream at 48Kbit/s.

ffmpeg -re -i rtmp://server/live/high_FMLE_stream -acodec copy -vcodec x264lib -s 640×360 -b 500k -vpre medium -vpre baseline rtmp://server/live/baseline_500k -acodec copy -vcodec x264lib -s 480×272 -b 300k -vpre medium -vpre baseline rtmp://server/live/baseline_300k -acodec copy -vcodec x264lib -s 320×200 -b 150k -vpre medium -vpre baseline rtmp://server/live/baseline_150k -acodec libfaac -vn -ab 48k rtmp://server/live/audio_only_AAC_48k


FFmpeg can use also a local AV source, so it’s possible to encode live directly from FFmpeg and bypass completely FMLE. I suggest to do that only in very controlled scenarios because FMLE offers precious, addictional functions like auto-encoding adjust to keep as low as possible the latency when the bandwidth between the acquisition point and the server is not perfect.

This is an example of single bitrate:

ffmpeg -r 25 -f dshow -s 640×480 -i video=”video source name”:audio=”audio source name” -vcodec libx264 -b 600k -vpre slow -acodec libfaac -ab 128k rtmp://server/application/stream_name

Join this command line and the previous and you have a multi-bitrate live encoding configuration for desktop and mobile.


H.264 has a very efficient Intra compression mode, so it is possible to leverage it for picture compression. I have estimated an improvement of around 50% in compression compared to JPG. Last year I have discussed estensively the possibility to use this kind of image compression to protect professional footage with FMS and RTMPE. Here you find the article, and this is the command line:

ffmpeg.exe -i INPUT.jpg -an -vcodec libx264 -coder 1 -flags +loop -cmp +chroma -subq 10 -qcomp 0.6 -qmin 10 -qmax 51 -qdiff 4 -flags2 +dct8x8 -trellis 2 -partitions +parti8x8+parti4x4 -crf 24 -threads 0 -r 25 -g 25 -y OUTPUT.mp4

Change -crf to modulate encoding quality (and compression rate).


With this article, this short series on FFmpeg comes to an end.
There are a lot of other scenarios where using FFmpeg with FMS (or Wowza) can help you creating new exciting services for you projects and overcome the limitations of the current Flash Video Ecosystem, so now it’s up to you. Try to mix my examples and post comments about new ways of customization that you have found of your RTMP delivery system.

I’ll speak about this topic also during my presentation at MAX 2011, http://bit.ly/qvKjP0, so I’m looking forward to chat of advanced FFmpeg usage and Encoding optimizations with someone of you in Los Angeles.

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